
We Are Water

"We are of the same drop. A multitude of droplets that make the whole."

Water said to me in May of 2017. I started to weep and my body began to shake. I didn't know what was happening to me. All I could do was write down the words that were coming through fast and furious, angry and compassionate, frustrated and loving.

Water had something to say. These are her words. She reminds us of who we are and our role in the great mystery. She calls us to protect and honor the waters inside of us and around us. She lovingly demands we don't turn away from separation and destruction and pay attention to our words and actions and notice the way in which we treat water reflects how we are treating ourselves. Water asks that we hold ourselves and our planet sacred in every moment - from washing our face, to swimming in the ocean, to crying, to drinking clean water.

Be with water
Connect with water
Thank the water
Follow the water

Poem channeled by Anne Koller: https://annekoller.com/
Video by Life Escobar: http://awakestorytelling.com/
Full poem found in Free to Feel book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1721864660
We Are Water song sung by Lisa Moreira

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