Meditating in water can enhance the power of a meditation—reverberating a mantra’s sound current inside a human body of water, calming the overactive mind, and encouraging a feeling of non-attachment and weightlessness. Try these water meditations in the ocean, pool or bathtub to tap into the healing power of water.

Special thank you to my teacher Hari Kaur Khalsa for her guidance, wisdom and support in leading these meditations. Thank you to Satkirin Kaur Khalsa for the sacred music.

More info on Hari Kaur Khalsa: harinyc.com
More info on Satkirin Kaur Khalsa: satkirin.com

Water Meditation:
Connect to Your True Self

This simple mantra meditation will allow you to self-actualize, boost confidence, and find ease in your most authentic self.

We are over 70% water, so when we are in water, we feel at home and amongst family.  We feel like ourselves. This meditation reminds you of your true nature, of who you truly are. When you say to yourself “I am”, the mind asks “I am what?” It is often followed by emotions or descriptive words, such as, happy, tall, sad, a mother, a wife, etc.  This meditation replaces common, mundane identifications with a powerful statement that helps you build your true identity by reminding you of your infinite qualities.

This guided session is led by Anne Koller, and was created by Hari Kaur Khalsa, author of A Woman’s Book of Meditation: Discovering the Power of a Peaceful Mind.

Water Meditation:
Mastering Your Mood

This traditional Kundalini meditation, known as "kirtan kriya," offers several health benefits for our mental and physical well-being. From enhancing memory to improving our quality of sleep, science shows that this meditative practice can help balance mood and steady the mind. When performed in water, this mantra meditation enables us to fully connect with the water within and around us. This guided session is led by Anne Koller, a Kundalini yoga instructor and aquacycling instructor at AQUA in New York City, and was created by Hari Kaur Khalsa, author of A Woman’s Book of Yoga: Embracing Our Natural Life Cycles, with Machelle M. Seibel, M.D. Try this profoundly spiritual video to cultivate patience, wisdom, and renewal of life.

Water Meditation: Being Bountiful, Blissful and Beautiful

Water creates an environment for us to feel loved as it envelopes us with its flowing and silky texture. This meditation is designed to be practiced in water, and it gives you the right to be and receive all of the beauty, bounty, and bliss that you can hold. This guided mediation will ask you to chant the following phrases designed to help you call in your truth: “I am bountiful. I am blissful. I am beautiful. I am.” This session is led by Anne Koller, a Kundalini yoga instructor and water healer, and was created in collaboration with Satkirin Kaur Khalsa, whose music, “Living Your Truth – Nobility” (from Blessings of a Woman) accompanies the meditation.

Water Meditation:
Releasing Stress

This soothing guided practice harnesses the powerful sensory experience of being in water to help you let go of tension and attain a sense of calm.

The image of water is commonly used in meditation as a symbol of the infinite flow that moves through blockages and unlocks inner peace and healing. What better way to access this flow than by turning visualization into reality and meditating in water, rejuvenating the mind, body and spirit in the process?

This guided meditation is led by Anne Koller, and was created by Hari Kaur Khalsa, author of A Woman’s Book of Yoga: Embracing Our Natural Life Cycles, with Machelle M. Seibel, M.D.

Water Meditation:
Mental Control and Clarity

This water meditation is designed to help your mind expand so you may harness the infinite potential of the universe.

Harness the soothing and supportive effects of water during this meditation practice so you can unlock your full potential and make your dreams a reality. Feel the support of the water around you as you focus on the breath for three minutes. Channel your breathing into strength and concentration as you gently focus the mind. Gradually increase the time of your practice as you become more comfortable. When done regularly, this meditation may help you achieve the victory of self-expression as you begin to turn your dreams into a reality. Music by Satkirin Kaur Khalsa, Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasaad (Magic Mantra) (from Lightness of Being)

We Are Water
Visual Poem

Water talks to me and teaches me how to more fully be in communion with her and myself. Meditating with water is so important for connecting with this source of life and recording our prayers in her drops. Water has memory, leave a good one. This video is from a water channeling. The words and emotions are from water herself.

We Are Water Initiative

An initiative that puts water at the center of mental and physical health and wellness in urban environments.